SSL Certificates
A must have for every website.
Choose your SSL Certificate
Perfect for personal and blog websites
- Standard Authentication
- Single Website
- 256 Encryption
- $500,000 Warranty
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The most trusted SSL for business websites
- Standard Authentication
- Single Website
- 256 Encryption
- $1,750,000 Warranty
- Official Site Seal
For websites with multiple sub domains
- Standard Authentication
- Multiple Website
- 256 Encryption
- $1,000,000 Warranty
- Official Site Seal
How do SSL Certificates work?

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer)
SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is a method, or protocol used for establishing a secure encrypted connection between a browser (user's computer) and a server (hosting your website).

Connect SSL to your domain
Once you have purchased your SSL Certificate, we will connect it to your domain name to ensure your website is secure. If your website is hosted with another provider we will provide you the certificate so you can install with them.

After the SSL certificate is installed in the web server, your website can now be visited under HTTPS (S’ stands for ‘secure’) and a padlock icon will appear beside your website's URL.

Enjoy increased SEO
Enjoy increased SEO and page ranking with Google, and improved trust from your clients knowing that they can supply their information to you securely.
Included with all SSL Certificates
Increase traffic with SSL
HTTPS is now a requirement for most search engines, increasing ranking and favouring websites with SSL encryption. SSL has now never been so important, to fully protection your website and increase your SEO
Strong encryption
Our SSL Certificates uses the most secure encryption methods (SHA2 & ECC encryption) that converts your data and files into impenetrable code, making it impossible for cyber attackers to penetrate your website and steal your sensitive information.
Fully verified SSL
All Premium EV SSL Certificates come with a click-to-verify site seal and your business name in the address bar in green. Displaying your business name and the site seal gives your customers confidence in doing business with you and builds instant trust.